We’re all guilty of buying things we don’t need. Shoes, purses, electronics, you name it. Throughout the years though, I’ve made enough mistakes when it comes to my finances to have finally learnt some valuable money lessons. While [...]

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Maya Nassar, fitness entrepreneur, international fitness model champion and certified specialist in sports nutrition and personal training. She’s a mom, currently pregnant, and still [...]
Part 2 of my video interview with Zeina Zeidan Maalouly, chair of the board of Royal Financials. Here she gives her advice to all career driven women.
Money & Life
Three Reasons Why Having a Hobby Boosts Your Success
Over the years I’ve pursued countless hobbies, from piano, to tennis, to theater, and the list goes on, but the main one that really stole my heart was the world of ballroom dancing when I lived in Dubai. It really is a world in [...]