Why Updating Your LinkedIn Profile Should Be The Next Thing You Do

February 4, 2023

Let’s take a moment to celebrate 20 years of LinkedIn (already!). Founded way back in 2003, it was created as a platform for professional networking and now has more than 800 million registered users worldwide. Chances are, you’re probably one of them.

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a few goals and resolutions lined up for the year, well for at least the next 11 months of it. One of them, if not the next one, should be to seriously take some time to polish up your LinkedIn resume.

Why do I have to do this now you may wonder? Here are just some of the reasons I think this should absolutely be the next thing you work on.

We might be entering into a recession and you want to be prepared.

Although most Canadian economists can’t seem to agree on the probably of a recession (so far, it’s 50/50) and how serious or not it may be, I believe that regardless, you should be well prepared just in case. 

In the eventuality that things take a turn for the worse, you don’t want to spend the first few weeks figuring out what to add to your profile, who to connect with and so forth. Do it all now and make sure your profile is attractive to potential employers so you don’t have to worry about it later.

LinkedIn has an internal search algorithm that allows people to find you based on the terms you use on your profile. That’s why it’s so important to have a solid set of keywords on your LinkedIn profile so people in your industry or potential recruiters may be able to find you later on.

You’ve just wrapped up a full year and have accomplishments to share.

You probably had an annual review a couple of months ago so you have a good idea of the things you’re proud of from 2022. This is the best time to showcase these skills on your LinkedIn profile since it’s all still fresh in your mind.

It’s also a great time to request LinkedIn recommendations. You just worked for a full year with a whole suite of colleagues who probably have so many wonderful things to say about you! To a potential employer, a LinkedIn recommendation is like a reference in advance. One great way to get recommendations is to give them. People love being recommended! They’ll most likely reciprocate if you take the time to ask them afterwards.

You need to position yourself for what’s next.

Regardless of whether the job market will slow down or not, you probably haven’t updated your profile in over a year, so it may not reflect your actual career aspirations.

Of course, you want to showcase your actual skills and experience, but there’s nothing stopping you from going one step further and demonstrating what you’re ready for next.  How to do that? Focus on your skills, particularly the skills required for the role you’re aspiring for, and make sure these ones are clearly visible throughout your work experience.

People use social media now more than ever. 

Whether you like it or not, you do have a professional personal brand and it’s all on LinkedIn. Nowadays, most people don’t pay as much attention to resumes as they do to LinkedIn profiles. Recruiters also spend a lot of time and money on LinkedIn so they can find the best talent. Make it easier for them by having a robust profile in place.  

You should also take some time to check out all the new features on LinkedIn, such as the creator profile where you can publish your own content and showcase yourself as an expert in your field, or the Feature section where you can upload badges and certifications to stand out from the crowd. Make the most of all that is available to you and craft a professional brand that truly reflects your accomplishments and know-how.

Who knows, you might get approached for interesting opportunities in 2023, so you don’t want to miss out just because you didn’t bother to refresh your profile since 2010.

Stand out from your peers, increase your visibility and credibility, and make your LinkedIn profile rock, because well, you rock!

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