How having a side hustle changed my life

How having a side hustle changed my life

January 22, 2022

We all have to work to survive. We need to buy food, make sure we have a roof over our head, and we need clothes to stay warm. If your day-to-day job happens to be something you’re extremely passionate about, then I envy you. Working [...]

Should friends be put into boxes?

Should friends be put into boxes?

January 3, 2022

My husband (it feels weird to write the word!) believes in a certain form of social categorization. Not because he judges people based on their social status, wealth, or education, but merely because he believes it helps to avoid [...]

Nadine Beydoun, tech entrepreneur

Nadine Beydoun, tech entrepreneur

December 21, 2021

This was one of my last video interviews, in a pre-pandemic, pre-Lebanese revolution world. It means a lot to me to share it with you as Nadine Beydoun is real-life proof that you can make anything happen, no matter how many obstacles [...]

How sustainable fashion empowers women

How sustainable fashion empowers women

November 23, 2020

Ever since I moved back to Canada (after a very long time abroad!), I’ve been noticing how advanced the Canadian and American fashion industries are when it comes to sustainable and eco-conscious fashion. That, coupled with the [...]

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